Immutable X dotnet signing sdk | Sign message with .Net for Immutable X

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Streamline your integration with the Immutable X Marketplace using a custom-built C# Signature SDK. Designed for developers and businesses looking to save time and reduce complexity, this DLL provides a set of robust, easy-to-use APIs that handle the intricacies of signing requests for the Immutable X platform.

Sending orders to the Immutable X Exchange has never been so simple!

Key Features:

  • Effortless Integration: Seamlessly integrate Immutable X functionality into your C# applications with minimal effort, allowing you to focus on building your core features.
  • Secure Signature Generation: Generate secure signatures for your transactions, ensuring compliance with Immutable X’s API requirements.
  • Time-Saving Solution: Eliminate the need to write, test, and maintain custom code for interacting with Immutable X, speeding up your development process.
  • Easy to use: The DLL is super easy to use, with only a single method to call from your code. All the complexity is abstracted!
  • Lifetime support for Updates: Stay up to date with regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest Immutable X API changes and enhancements.
  • Reliable Performance: Built with performance in mind, our DLL ensures quick and reliable interactions with the Immutable X Marketplace.

Who Is It For?

  • Developers: Simplify the process of integrating Immutable X's functionality into your applications, so you can focus on delivering your core value.
  • Businesses: Reduce development costs and time-to-market by using a pre-built solution that ensures smooth transactions on the Immutable X Marketplace.

Why Choose this DLL?

  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Save valuable development hours and resources by using a ready-made solution.
  • Ongoing Support: Benefit from continuous updates and support to adapt to any changes in the Immutable X ecosystem.

Get your hands on the Immutable X Marketplace Signature API DLL today and accelerate your development with confidence!

How to use it?

  1. In visual studio, reference the dll (right click on Depencies, add COM Reference, choose the dll)
  2. Instanciate a new signer
using SigningLibrary;
var signer = new Signer();
  1. (Optional) you can also register the signing API from the DI mechanism:
using SigningLibrary;
services.AddSingleton<ISigner, Signer>();
  1. Enjoy signing!
string starkSignature = signer.StartkSign("your_stark_private_key", "payload_hash");
string ethSignature = signer.EthSign("your_eth_private_key", "signable_message");

Example requests to create order can be found in the immutable API reference

Sample requests:

  1. Send a signable order request.You'll get in response 2 useful fields: signable_message and payload_hash
  2. Send a create order request:

Sample code

public async Task<ImmutableOrderResponse<CreateOrderResponse>> 
MakeOfferAsync(string collectionId, string tokenId, decimal price, string currency, bool isBuyOrder, int? orderId = null)
        SignableOrderRequest signableOrderRequest = GetSignableOrderRequest(collectionId, tokenId, price, currency, isBuyOrder);

        SignableOrderResponse response =
            await _communicationClient.PostAsync<SignableOrderRequest, SignableOrderResponse>("v3/signable-order-details", signableOrderRequest);

        string ethSignature = _signer.EthSign(_ethSecret, response.SignableMessage);
        string starkSignature = _signer.StartkSign(_starkSecret, response.PayloadHash);

        var createOrderRequest = new CreateOrderRequest()
            AmountBuy = response.AmountBuy,
            AmountSell = response.AmountSell,
            AssetIdBuy = response.AssetIdBuy,
            AssetIdSell = response.AssetIdSell,
            ExpirationTimestamp = response.ExpirationTimestamp,
            Nonce = response.Nonce,
            StarkKey = response.StarkKey,
            StarkSignature = starkSignature, // Generated with the sdk
            VaultIdBuy = response.VaultIdBuy,
            VaultIdSell = response.VaultIdSell
        var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>
            ["x-imx-eth-address"] = "Your_Eth_Public_Address",
            ["x-imx-eth-signature"] = ethSignature // Generated with the sdk

        CreateOrderResponse orderResponse =
            await _communicationClient.PostAsync<CreateOrderRequest, CreateOrderResponse>("v3/orders", createOrderRequest, headers);

        return new(orderResponse);
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Immutable X dotnet signing sdk | Sign message with .Net for Immutable X

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